Our Journey
I made my first fursuit In 2012 as a hobby project whilst working as an illustrator, I loved it so much, between then and 2016, I made 22 fursuits.
Then, In 2014 I also opened my first online store, selling a few of my pre-made toony base designs.
People seemed to enjoy these designs and the convenience of not having to carve their own foam, so I was able to start expanding my product range until it became my full-time business.
My first professional setup was in my Grandmothers garage, which I refurbished into a suitable workspace. But I still had to share it with the utilities and an occasional flood.
And then, when I bought my first house, I also finally got my new workshop (Some assembly required)! a place I can truly call my own. It took about 6 months for me to do the building work to get up and working fully, whilst I still worked on orders and on my new house. But it came out better than I could have imagined. (You can see the results on my about page)