November news letter: New plans into action and gift cards now available

Buzzing with excitement to jump straight into my new mask designs and other product development, November ended up being quite a busy month... for prototyping and preparation, which is a frustrating step when you just want to do the thing and do it now! BUT it is also a necessary step in order to not waste precious resources, particularly time, the most precious resource of them all. 

sculpt of werewolf head

 To sate myself, I have been working a little on finishing up my werewolf mask, which has been in the works for a while due to my own perfectionism getting those details just right, and all the little things that keep cropping up, demanding my immediate attention. Now I'm happy to finally say I will have this design unleashed shortly after I reopen after the Christmas break. 

But, speaking of things demanding my attention...



After yet another failure from my 3D printer (which I'll probably talk about in another post) I decided to cut my losses and become a member of the Pruser family instead, with my dogs approval (or concern? I dunno, she's really hard to read)

my dog sat next to a newly arrived delivery of a Prusa 3D printer

 So now my maker station is looking even more impressive, and messy.

runaway workshop makers station, featuring a mini cnc machine, a makerbot 3D printer and a new Prusa 3D printer

Printing has already started on my commissioned work very smoothly, so I'm happy to have that back on track. Then I'll be printing some armatures ready to sculpt my new masks on!

The other issue I was having, this time with the foam, I have mostly solved by creating a "warm shelf" on my materials rack. It's basically a shelf I have surrounded with bubble foil and insulation, then installed some green house heaters connected to a smart thermostat, so It stays nice and warm in there 24/7 with very little heating needed. It's necessary because foam doesn't work well when its cold, but most years I have had no problem just warming the room up to temperature for a few hours and the materials work again just fine, but this year has been different for some reason. Keeping the material permanently at temperature seems to be the best solution, and it doesn't hurt that its saving on my energy bills.  

Looks crude, but effective.  

materials shelf, insulated with materials inside and greenhouse heaters warming it up

Store updates: Gift cards!

As I sell a lot of products as gifts, I've made Gift cards available to buy on my store to make things easier, especially as shipping this year is going to be slower than normal years (if that's possible) 

If you'd still rather a physical order in time for Christmas though, the last recommended order dates are:

UK customers 13th Dec
Europe, US & Canada: 6th dec

Other international orders will have to order with Expedited shipping to get in time for Christmas (sorry)

My holiday break time will be from the 17th of Dec until the 3rd of Jan. I will still be taking orders during this time, but I will not ship anything out until January, this is due to the high volume of parcels that get delayed or lost over this period.

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